Even though you lead a busy and hectic life, you still need to relax from time to time to keep all your balls high. Plopping down on the couch and watching a series is nice to relax for a while. But that doesn't provide much satisfaction in the long run. This makes you restless and bores you very quickly. What gives you a lot of energy and prevents you from getting burned out is a hobby or attending workshops. Of course, it must be something that suits you and where you can completely relax. We have listed a number of suggestions for you.

Fun and relaxing workshops

Following a workshop is a good way to see whether a hobby really suits you. Do you enjoy taking photographs in nature, but are you unable to capture that special bird or rare flower so beautifully? During a photography workshop you will learn the tricks of the trade from a true professional. Or what about a djembe workshop ? Together with others you will learn to play the African instrument where the beautiful rhythm it produces has a very relaxing effect. Forget your everyday worries for a moment and lose yourself in the stirring drum roll, wonderful!

Walking as a hobby

You can pursue a hobby in a group or solo, depending on what you like. When you relax during a walk, it is a good idea to do this several times a week. You can do this together with others but, if you prefer, you can also do this alone. You should not feel obliged to do something together with others. Does your head become completely empty when you take a walk in silence and do you come home afterwards bursting with energy? Then you just have to do that. You can prevent stress by giving in to what feels good to you.

Discover your own creativity

While one person relaxes while gardening or exercising, another becomes completely 'zen' by fiddling with a needle and thread. Embroidery, painting, making jewelry or sculpting can also be very soothing and relaxing. Try different things and discover that you may be much more creative than you actually think. Who knows, there might be a Picasso 2.0 in you. The most important thing is that you do not put pressure on yourself when pursuing a hobby. It may be quite strenuous, but the ultimate goal is that it gives you satisfaction and provides you with wonderful relief.

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