The days are getting longer, the sun is showing itself more often and you are starting to feel it: the motorcycle season is getting closer. Whether you have been riding for years or have just bought your first motorcycle, now is the time to get everything in order. Here are a few tips to start the new season well prepared!
1. Your engine in top shape
Before you set off, it is wise to take a critical look at your motorcycle. Check the tires for wear and make sure they are at the right pressure. The brakes, lights and oil also deserve a check. A small maintenance service can't hurt, especially if your motorcycle has spent the winter in the garage.
Don't have a technical background yourself? Don't worry. You can often have spring maintenance done at a motorcycle shop or garage. That way you know for sure that everything is safe.
2. Get on the road safely
It is not only your bike that needs to be ready, but also you. Do you still have the right equipment at home? A helmet is of course indispensable, but do not forget to look at your jacket, pants, boots and gloves. Protection is extremely important and it is nice if your outfit is also comfortable during longer rides.
If you are looking for new gear, it can be useful to start browsing at shops like voordeelhelmen . Here you will not only find helmets, but also other items that will make your ride safer and more fun.
3. Plan your first ride
Spring is the perfect time to get used to the road again. Choose a nice route with few traffic, so you can make your trip without stress. Maybe it's time to try that one winding road you heard about last season, or visit your favorite coffee stop.
Remember to be considerate of other road users while driving. Car drivers often have to get used to motorcyclists on the road again, so maintain a defensive driving style.
4. Make it a ride with friends
Motorcycling is great solo, but it is just as much fun to go out with friends. Organize a small group and choose a route that everyone can enjoy. Whether it is along the coast, through a wooded area or a lap on the dike: riding together makes the season even more special.
Enjoy the motorcycle season ahead. Prepare well, seize your moments and rediscover why motorcycle riding is so great. Wherever you go, make it a great experience!
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